WEBCONFERENCE: RESfuels pathways contributing to the Paris Agreement in transport

The transport sector is the only major sector in the EU where greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are continuously increasing. As such, there is an urgent need to speed up Europe's decarbonisation efforts, in order to combat climate change and comply with emission reduction targets.
This webconference focused on the role of renewable fuels to contribute to Paris Agreement, with a special focus on the conversion and end-use steps of the advanced biofuel value chains and their corresponding policy implications. The aim was to facilitate discussions with stakeholders from policy and industry in order to co-design potential future policy interventions for increased use of advanced biofuels in the framework of a low-carbon bioeconomy.
The presenters highlighted the urgent need for renewable transport fuels in reaching our GHG reduction targets, and discussed the status of conversion technologies and how to enable their widespread deployment. The dilemma regarding the development of suitable engines versus the availability of renewable fuels was an important element of this discussion. Further, the webinar zoomed into the maritime and aviation sectors and present recent updates from respective sector experts.
A write-up and replay of the webconference can be accessed here.