ADVANCEFUEL partner, Dr. Ric Hoefnagels, discussed the potential of biofuels for aviation in an interview with the BBC World Service.

The ADVANCEFUEL project welcomes value chain experts and media representatives to a stakeholder workshop in Brussels on 21 November

Check out the video featuring a presentation by ATB on lignocellulosic biomass production

ADVANCEFUEL partner, Chalmers University of Technology, has taken part in a Workshop at the Advanced Biofuels Conference 2019, in Stockholm, Sweden on 19 September.

The ADVANCEFUEL project will be present at the ETIP Bioenergy Workshop taking place on 19 September in Stockholm, in the framework of the Advanced Biofuel Conference.

The ADVANCEFUEL project has held its third stakeholder workshop at the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) in Lisbon, on 27 May 2019, with more than forty stakeholders from the biofuels value chain.