The ADVANCEFUEL consortium has met at the offices of ECN/TNO in Amsterdam to discuss and plan out activities for the coming months.
The ADVANCEFUEL consortium has met at the offices of ECN/TNO in Amsterdam to discuss and plan out activities for the coming months.
ADVANCEFUEL will hold its third stakeholder workshop at the European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE) 2019 on 27 May in Lisbon.
The European Commission has published a delegated regulation for high indirect land use change (ILUC) risk feedstocks, setting out criteria for sustainable feedstock for biofuel production.
The 'Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda' (SRIA) of the European Energy Researcg Alliance (EERA) Joint Programme on Bioenergy aligns research efforts across borders and provides guidance for policymakers.
The ADVANCEFUEL project, which aims to find strategies to overcome or reduce barriers to the market up-take of advanced fuels (RESfuels), has published a new online stakeholder consultation. The consultation on good practises has been prepared and will be conducted by the Imperial College of London.
ADVANCEFUEL partner Imperial College London attended the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC) Annual Conference in Glasgow on 30-31 January 2019.
The ADVANCEFUEL project has been presented at Fuels of the Future 2019, held on 21-22 January in Berlin and attracting more than 550 participants from 30 countries.