ADVANCEFUEL reaches out to stakeholders in Brussels
Several Bioenergy events took place in Brussels from 10-12 April: the Horizon 2020 Workshop on Bioenergy Advanced Biofuels and other Renewable Fuels, the ETIP Bioenergy SABS Stakeholder Plenary Meeting (SPM) and the final conference of the ButaNexT project. These occasions were used to present and represent the ADVANCEFUEL project and to get in contact with stakeholders in order to increase the awareness of relevant groups towards the project’s work and to further build up the group of experts that provide feedback on ADVANCEFUEL’s results.

The Horizon 2020 workshop was organised on 10-11 April by Maria Georgiadou, European Commission DG Research & Innovation, aiming to identify the progress achieved by the 44 projects funded by the programme and to further discuss topics that should be taken into account in the next EU Framework Program (FP9). ADVANCEFUEL was presented by the project’s co-ordinator, Kristin Sternberg (FNR). She also joined the topic-related working groups together with other project co-ordinators to identify challenges, possible implementation scenarios and the future way forward. The results were subsequently summarised as recommendations and suggestions that can be taken into account in the development of FP9.

The 8th ETIP Bioenergy SPM was held out on 11-12 April and was organised by FNR and ETA Florence. Three partner organisations from the ADVANCEFUEL consortium (ECN/TNO, G!E, FNR) were present to gain new insights from the stakeholders’ presentations and to make new contacts with whom they could discuss first project results. To further raise awareness of ADVANCEFUEL and particularly the Stakeholder Platform, a project poster was displayed. More information on this event are provided here.