ADVANCEFUEL featured in webinar on feedstock strategies for bio-based products

For any bio-based project, identifying the right feedstock strategy is a key aspect. One of the first steps to make the project viable is to secure a continuous and long-term supply of biomass. This ensures the plant runs efficiently and does not experience interruptions.


But biomass availability is complex to estimate. It is necessary to assess which feedstock is available close by to avoid high transport costs. The feedstock must also have sufficient quality and specific characteristics to meet the technical requirements of the plant. The cost and sustainability of the chosen biomass are equally crucial.


This webinar, organised by the BIO4PRODUCTS project, explored all these key aspects drawing from the long-standing experience of three experts in biomass feedstocks, including Sonja Germer of ATB, who presented their research within the ADVANCEFUEL project, on lignocellulosic biomass production.


A video of the webinar is featured below, and more information is available at the BIO4PRODUCTS website.