Delegated regulation for high ILUC risk feedstock published

The European Commission has published a delegated regulation for high indirect land use change (ILUC) risk feedstocks, setting out criteria for sustainable feedstock for biofuel production. The regulation is an important step forwards in implementing the new Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), addressing key issues in the public debate surrounding biofuel sustainability such as the use of palm oil.


It is hoped that the new regulation will help to improve the overall sustainability of biofuels, and their public image. It also aims to broaden the European feedstock base, where there is large potential for crop yields to increase, and support European agriculture to restore abandoned and severely degraded land to a useable status.


Under the EU’s comitology rules, the European Parliament and Council of the EU have two months in which to register any objections before the regulation comes into force.


For more information, see the ETIP Bioenergy Press Release